Located in the Heart of the Entertainment Capital of Hollywood, California, Occidental Entertainment Group Holdings offers a wide range of Services, Facilities, Equipment, and cutting-edge Tech­nol­ogies that can ac­com­mo­date the needs of Feature Films, Episodic Television, Commercials, Cor­po­rate Advertising, Games, Music Videos, and many other Business and Entertainment-related purposes.

Composed of six operating divisions, including – Albert Sweet De­vel­op­ment, Occidental Studios, Occidental Technologies, Occidental Lighting & Grip, Tricor Entertainment and Prop Services WestOccidental En­ter­tain­ment Group Holdings operates 14 Sound Stages…; has roughly a million square feet of Production, Executive, Editorial & Creative Office Space…; supports its operations with more than 1,500 Parking Spaces…; and offers a vast array of Lighting, Grip, Props, and Technical Services.

NOTE: Client since 2013